1. Chinese Ballance Forum
1.1. Brief introduction
At first, Chinese Ballance Forum's real name is Baidu Ballance Tieba. It hosted by Baidu, the biggest search engine corporation in China. But the origin name contains Pinyin. It is only readable for Chinese and almost Chinese Ballance event is raised from it. So we call it Chinese Ballance Forum.
Chinese Ballance Forum is the origin of Chinese Ballance culture. Currenty, it is one of the hottest Chinese Ballance Communication platform.
1.2. Link
Chinese Ballance Forum link:https://tieba.baidu.com/f?ie=utf-8&kw=ballance
1.3. Rules
You only can post a new topic written in Chinese. I highly suggest that you should ask some questions via Discord. Chinese Ballance Forum is only familar with Chinese players.
Moreover, China have the most serious and harsh network censor in this world. So, if you really want to post a new topic in Chinese Ballance Forum. Please really understand what you say and judge each of your words otherwise your topic will be deleted immediately by forum system.